
Historical Periods

Copyright and Liability Statements
Data in DB-HERITAGE is protected by copyright and other property rights (corresponding holders being identified). A non-exclusive and non-transferable license is delivered for not-for-profit research and educational purposes, providing both the property right(s) holder(s) and the DB-HERITAGE are acknowledged. Where specific permission is required, the right(s) holder(s) must be sought.
DB-HERITAGE managers disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy or availability of archived Information, or for any injury incurred owing to its use.
Information at DB-HERITAGE may be subject to specific use constraints (details being made accessible). It is the responsibility of user to be aware of the constraints and to abide by them.
By making use of the data available at DB-HERITAGE, user accepts these copyright and liability statements.

Access Agreement
DB-HERITAGE is of free use, when used according to the terms detailed below. By accepting the terms of this Access Agreement, users are incoming into a legally binding agreement.
The DB-HERITAGE aims to provide free access to data. Thus, the individuals/organisations which supply data should assure the protection of their own rights. Besides the source and copyright acknowledgements, DB-HERITAGE managers ask to be informed of any errors found in the data and of any further work developed based on the data.
The data should only be used for educational and research purposes. The ensuing results should be made accessible for other users, according to the common principles of research and academic practice.
Data supplied by the DB-HERITAGE is protected by property rights. Duplication of the data is not permitted, except the information reproduced for research or educational purposes. Permission for any other use should be sought. The data must not be sold or supplied to a third party.
Breach of the provisions of this agreement will lead to immediate termination of access to DB-HERITAGE and may result in legal action.

By using the DB-HERITAGE, the user is bound by the following Terms and Conditions. User must agree:

